Friday, July 4, 2008

Paying for our vacation

So Bill and I just got back from Hawaii. Alyssa got married last weekend. We are now home and paying for it. Hopefully our children will be happy again soon. We will post pictures soon as well.


Shaunna said...

Can't wait to see some pics from your sisters wedding...Hope you guys are doing good.

Amanda said...

That's exciting that you went to Hawaii, you better post some pictures soon. Guess what? We bought a house in Pleasant Grove, the beginging of this year. That's not the exciting part. Your old back yard and mine face each other. Crazy huh?

Amber Ricks said...

Hello Sarah and Bill you have never met me before but I am currently expecting triplet girls. I already have twin boys who are almost 5. I have a carepage named ammonthomas after my twins and a blog called I started to look for other mothers like me who have been through the ups and downs of a triplet pregnancy. Yours hit a special place in my heart. I too am a Latter Day Saint and as I read through your adventures in the NICU it gave me great comfort. Your boys look fabulous and healthy. I have had tremendous concernes of my little girls being born with long term delays or health problems, since my twins had major health problems for the first 2 years of their life. I would love to ask you questions if you are up to speaking with me. Congratulations on your wonderful little boys!

Sarah and Bill Burke said...

As you can tell it has been a while since I checked our blog. Amber I would love to talk to you. I would love to help in any way I can.

Michelle said...

Hi Sarah! It's MIchelle from high school. Your kids are adorable. It's so cool to see them I haven't talked to you in such a long time. Hope everything is going good!

Amber Ricks said...

Sarah :)
I love your cute little video. I started watching it and before the end my whole family was crowding around my computer to see what was going on. I even noticed oddly enough that your husband was wearing the exact same shirt that my husband has! Crazy world huh? Thanks for emailing me I replied with a whole bunch of questions. Let me know If you don't receive it. I wish you and your family the best.