Wednesday, November 12, 2008


This year for Halloween the boys were 3 little monkeys jumping on the bed. Bill had the honor of being a very fun bed and I was the doctor. Since it may be the last year I get to pick out costumes, at least we all got to participate.

Our ward did not have a Halloween party until Nov. 7th this year so we went to Crawfordsville to Bill's parents' ward party trunk or treating and then went trick or treating around town. The boys did well learning how to get the hang of it with the nice ward members before heading off to do it in the "real world". Crawfordsville was amazing. We walked up and down about 4 blocks of the main street with hundreds of kids and parents joining us. I felt like we were in a tv show. I had never seen trick or treating like this. The boys got quite the selection and Bill and I are enjoying the fruits of our labors. Actually the boys ask every morning if they can have candy for breakfast. They seem to have picked that up from their mother I guess.
All in all we have had a super Halloween. It started about 3 weeks before going to an amazing party at a friends, went to Boo Zoo at the Indy Zoo were the boys went trick or treating, went to Crawfordsville with 2 opportunities to trick or treat, as well as trunk or treating at our ward party the following weekend. I don't think the boys will ever have a Halloween like that again.


Jason and Jen said...

So cute! I love that you got dressed up!

Ginger said...

You ALL look great! I love your costumes... I would never have thought of doing 3 monkeys, but of course... I don't have 3 monkeys (at least not all the same age!)
